BRWG is a leading partner in the Swan River Restoration Project along with Summit County, the Town of Breckenridge, the U.S. Forest Service, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Colorado Trout Unlimited - Gore Range Chapter, the Colorado Water Conservation Board, and the Friends of the Dillon Ranger District. This collaborative, multi-phase project is located in the upper Swan River drainage near the Town of Breckenridge and is designed to address damage caused to the Swan River as a result of historical dredge mining. The project area is generally devoid of natural vegetation and ecological function, with large piles of dredge rock materials causing the water to flow underground through parts of the stream corridor. The goals of the project are to:
The restoration area is divided into 4 construction reaches: A, B, C and D.
- Restore stream and floodplain functions to over three miles of the Swan River and surrounding areas
- Reconnect the North, Middle and South Forks of the Swan River with a natural, stable stream channel and enhance the adjacent riparian and upland areas.
- Restore a self-sustaining trout fishery and create habitat for a diversity of native wildlife.
- Provide educational opportunities and demonstrate restoration techniques for streams degraded by historic dredge mining.
- Enhance public open space and opportunities for water and trail based recreation activities.
The restoration area is divided into 4 construction reaches: A, B, C and D.
This collaborative effort, spearheaded by BRWG, led to the completed restoration of reach A in 2017. Monitoring results have shown the new channel is responding appropriately to new flows; soils and plant materials are becoming established; and stream habitat (e.g., riffles, pools, stream bed substrate, etc.) is functioning and developing as intended. The County is continuing their gravel excavation operations on reach B and hope to begin restoration efforts in that section in 2020.
The continuation of the restoration project into the upper reaches C and D is still to be determined, and BRWG intends to play a leading role in that effort.
For Project Plans, Videos, Reports & Photos, go to: Summit County Swan River Restoration Project Page Preliminary Design Report from 2013, download: ![]()
Page header photo courtesy of Zach Mahone.